Get Your FREE Strength & Conditioning Workouts &
Tips For Returning To Exercise Postpartum
Build Strength & Confidence In Your Body After Birth!
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3 Postpartum Workouts &
Return-to-Fitness Guide
Hey there! 
I'm Margaret, & I'm so glad you're here. 

This sample guide is a snapshot of my flagship fitness program new moms: 
The Postpartum Method 

I'm so passionate about this system, 
because I know it works!

I'm a strength coach, athlete, mom...  
& I want you to know..... 

...I've been there.

I KNOW  how different your body
& the exercise you're used to feels after birth. 

I know what it's like to leak, have pain & feel defeated when you try to

 "ease back in" to a workout, fitness class or run postpartum, 

without the support you really need.

I want to give you the tools to feel strong & capable in this new chapter of your body, life & fitness moving forward!
  • Rehab your core & pelvic floor after vaginal or cesarean birth
  • Safely progress to strength training, cardio & jumping
  • Reduce leaking, pain or prolapse symptoms, protecting your long-term pelvic health
  • Get started with exercise after pregnancy with a full-length workout from each of my 3 essential postpartum training phases
  • Understand healthy exercise timelines, technique & expectations, with over 30 video exercise demos!! 
Your body is different right now, 
and that's okay!

Let's work with it
(not against it).

This free guide can help you:
Whether you're pregnant, 
a few weeks postpartum
or  many years into motherhood...
Get the tools & support you need to feel better in your body
Download Today.
Save For When You Need It.
The Postpartum Method Sample Guide
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Strong As A Mom